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Publishing and submission resources for 2022!

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Here are some places taking unagented submissions, plus some guides on querying and publishing.

Best of luck, aspiring authors!

If you're looking for Picture Book Mentorship:

#PBRisingStars Mentor Reveal is LIVE. Checkout the mentors here:

Reedsy has a HUGE database of publishers. You can sort and filter and see who is open to unsolicited submissions. And here is another list of publishers accepting unagented manuscripts.

Some of Harlequin's imprints are currently open to unagented submissions!

You can learn more here and here as well.

Thinking of digital publishing? Bookouture is always accepting unagented submissions. Check out their What We're Looking For to see if you might be a good fit for one another!

Maybe you're ready to submit your manuscript to a literary agent. Here's a quick guide to querying!

And here is a listing of lit agents to get you started. You can also check out some agents at BIPOC Bookshelf. And if you'd like to learn more about what an agent does, here's an article for that.

Want to submit to a literary magazine? Check this Poets & Writers site out.

And if your work is a little more niche, Microcosm is an awesome place to work with!

Lee & Low also accepts submissions for its annual writing contests (usually from May-August):

If you want to hire an editor, here are some folks looking to freelance!

For some interesting reads and insider takes on publishing, check out Pub Rants.

Finally, this is a list of some helpful resources if you're looking for more information on publishing, agents, craft, and more. You can also check out some of these Workshops and catch up on past publishing-focused workshops led by agents, editors and authors who are all focused on promoting marginalized voices to publication.

We also post submission opportunities on our socials (including when we are open for submissions for the Editor-Writer Mentorship), so be sure to follow us there!

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